Monday, August 25, 2008

My View on ALEX and ACCESS

The Alabama Learning Exchange is basically a database where educational material can be downloaded by teachers from all over Alabama. The teachers interact with each other and share ideas about their classroom. The database runs from grades K-12 and cover all types of subject and course material.

Alex also supply students who have limited courses at their own school to participate in ACCESS, Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators and Students Statewide. This is called Distance Learning. For example the student can take a Latin course in a Dallas High School. This type of learning allows the students to expand their educational needs. One objective for ACCESS is to expand this type of learning all over the state of Alabama.

My view on Alex is that is will be helpful to me because I may have a diffcult lesson that I am teaching my class that they might not be grasping onto. I could access ALEX and try to get pointers from other teachers who have completed the lesson.

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